Kick start your career
If you're struggling to re-energise or kick-start your career, here are some hints and tips.
Finding the time to kick-start your career can be challenging, especially if you have other responsibilities such as work or family. Many of my clients find themselves stuck ‘in a rut’, doing jobs that they don’t love, but struggling to find the time to step back to examine what their future career might look like.
Here are some ways for you to make time to think about what you want from your career.
1. Start thinking about your career: It sounds simple, but I am passionate about the power of the subconscious. If you start to think about your current job, what you like and don’t like, what you’d like to do going forward, what excites you etc. then you will start to notice opportunities, information and people who can help you with your next journey.
2. Create a schedule: I know you’re busy but carve out some time that you can dedicate to your future career. This could be while you’re on the train or bus, that hour between appointments, or lunchtime on Friday’s when work is a little less busy.
3. Start slowly: There are many activities that can be done remotely e.g. e-learning, pod-casts, reflection and research, or in a few snatched moments of time. As your interest grows in your potential opportunities, as I know it will, aim higher and create dedicated times by working smarter, asking others to cover for you, using technology, or getting up earlier (my favourite, despite my dislike for early mornings).
4. Prioritise your goals by creating a plan: I love a good plan because I get joy from ticking off my goals as I achieve them. I find that the more specific your objectives, the easier it is to focus on and achieve them. Examples might include reading an article, researching the top 10 websites in your target job, completing an on-line course or webinar. Goal setting is a whole topic in its own right but think SMART.
6. Use your weekends: Slightly more controversial but this is not ‘work’ time but ‘you’ time. And if you’re unhappy or unfulfilled at work, why wouldn’t you want to invest a little of your precious down time to your future? Weekends can be a great time to connect with people, both personally and professionally, and get real life support, advice and insights into the future potential career that you’re looking at.
7. Seek out a mentor or coach: I would say this wouldn’t I! But you don’t have to pay a coach to provide valuable guidance and support as you navigate your career path. I personally like connecting with strangers who look like they know what they’re doing. They may not always respond but many people love to share their experiences and advice. And if you know someone already, the chances of them responding positively to your request for help will only increase.
Starting your new career begins with the first step. So take it.
Kick start your career today.