Seven ways that women can build confidence at work

Here are my Seven Ps to help you build confidence at work.

Seven ways that women can build confidence at work

Building confidence is critical for any executive, especially when you’ve just moved into a new role, and is a gradual process that involves self-awareness, practice, and positive reinforcement. Here are my Seven Ps to help you build confidence and while some of these may seem a little crazy, I guarantee that they will work:

1.    Plan

  • Plan, plan, and plan again. A good plan helps you to break large goals into small, measurable steps, makes them more likely to be achieved, and allows you to celebrate progress.
  • Planning also helps you build a sense of control, reduces anxiety and gives you a clear sense of what you are looking to achieve. 

2.    Posture

  • Adopt a confident posture. If your body acts confident, your mind will follow.
  • A confident posture includes appropriate, direct eye contact, head held high, chin out but not up, shoulders level and back, arms casually by your sides and not touching your body, and feet placed shoulder width apart.

3.    Pretend or Picture

  • “Fake it to you make it”
  • Put on the persona that you want to be, pretend to act that you are confident. This is not about lying, especially to yourself, but acting in a way that helps you look and feel confident. 

4.    Positive affirmations 

  • Be kind to yourself, recognise that when you are in a new situation or role, you shouldn’t expect to know everything. Offer the same advice to yourself that you would to a friend in the same situation.
  • Stop negative self-talk. We are often our own worst enemies, and it is a very human condition to think the worst can, and is, happening. Challenge and reframe negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
  • Keep a diary of your learnings and achievements – not only will it help you to reflect on experiences (both positive and negative), but it will be a constant reminder of how far you’ve come. 
  • Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation to stay present and reduce anxiety. 

5.    Practice

  • Any new skill takes practice. Find safe places to practice (family and friends are always useful), remember the 80:20 rule (the first 80% of your learning comes with 20% effort) and don’t aim for perfection, and treat mistakes as opportunities to learn what ‘not’ to do.
  • Take small steps (see planning above). Not only will learning be easier, it will also help you to confront any fears you have about making mistakes and looking foolish.
  • Be open to continuous learning – see each day as an opportunity to get better, to achieve your goals and let the world see what you can uniquely offer.
  • Constantly seek feedback from people that you trust as constructive criticism can help you grow and improve.

6.    Physical and mental health

  • Exercise regularly as physical activity boosts mood and energy levels, contributing to a more confident outlook.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and sleep patterns
  • Connect with others and give back to support your mental wellbeing. 

7.    Positive People

  • Surround yourself with supportive, positive individuals (or ‘energy batteries’) who encourage and uplift you and limit the time spent with people who drain your energy or undermine your confidence (aka ‘energy vampires’).
  • Draw upon your team and use the words ‘we’ and ‘us’. Nothing demonstrates confidence more than someone who doesn’t seem threatened by their team…

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can build a strong foundation of confidence that will help you navigate various aspects of life with greater assurance and positivity.

Are you lacking confidence at work? Why don't you contact me for a free, no obligation chat? 


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