What Is Your Ikigai?

What Is Your True Purpose?

GenZ Insight Ikigai

You’re a successful executive, probably with a fancy title, long-term incentives and a handsome salary. But is it enough?

You've also got the stress, the thinning hair and the lack of time with your family. And you're not happy. Not unhappy, but not feeling that you're loving life and looking forward to what comes next. 

A long time ago the Japanese, subtle, complex people that they are, thought about this. Thought about it deeply. And they came up with a working solution. Notice that. Not some abstract theory. A philosophy that works in the real world. 


So how does that work? 

Ikigai’s Four Questions

To find your true purpose in life you must answer four questions. 

If you can answer the four questions then these are the proven benefits: improved work, increased happiness, better health, even longer life. 

Sounds good right? 

And these are the four questions you must be able to answer: 

1.    What are you good at?

2.    What do you like to do?

3.    What does the world need?

4.    How can I get paid for this?

What Are Your Answers?

It sounds so simple. And at one level it is, it truly is. But simple is not easy. Let’s take an example. 

You're good at your job. It pays well, people respect you. You've reached a level where you can make a difference to the people that work for you, for your organisation and your customers. So that’s 1, 3 and 4 ticked off that list above. How about 2 – do you like doing it? 

Maybe you did at one time but not any more. You're bored, and the stress makes you wonder if it's worth it.

And if you're really honest with yourself, maybe the world doesn't really need you that much.  

Making it real

People say ‘Oh I love doing this thing, it makes the world a better place. I don’t care about the money’. Well, great, but how do you continue to do this good thing? You’ll run out of money and have to stop. We have to find a way to make a living from this thing. 

So how would you answer those questions so you got a positive answer to all four? 

If you can do it – you’ve found your Ikigai. 

You’ve found your purpose. 

Can you answer those four questions? Do you want a little help to figure out your Ikigai? Contact me.  


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